Dental and oral health is essential for our overall health and well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to teeth problems, dental cavities and gum diseases. Tooth diseases may occur due to many reasons, such as bad oral hygiene habits, bad eating habits, HIV/ADS, cancer, etc. It is necessary to keep your teeth in good condition, failing which you may experience many problems. Between 60 to 90 percent of school children have at least one dental cavity, while nearly every adult individual gets at least one dental cavity at some point in life.
If you experience any of the below warning signs, you should seek an appointment with your dentist right away.
- Ulcers, sores, or tender areas in the mouth
- Pain or toothache
- Chronic bad breath
- Sudden sensitivity to hold and cold water and beverages
- Bleeding or swollen gums
- Pain with chewing or biting
- Swelling of the face and cheek
You may experience a variety of tooth diseases, some of the most common ones are discussed below.
Also known as tooth decay, it is one of the most common tooth diseases. Some areas of your teeth may be permanently damaged, and may even have holes in them. Cavities occur when food, bacteria, and acid coat your teeth to form a layer called plaque. The acid in the plaque starts eating the enamel and the underlying connective tissue, known as dentin that can permanently damage your teeth.
Gum diseases (Gingivitis)
Your gumline has a sticky matrix called plaque, where bacteria accumulate and migrate down the length of your teeth. Plaque is removed with regular brushing and flossing, that can inflame your gums and cause gingivitis. Increased level of inflammation will make your gums recede from your teeth, creating pockets in which pus may eventually collect. Symptoms of periodontitis include bleeding, swollen gums, persistent bad breath, and bad taste. The advanced stage of gingivitis is known as periodontitis in which infection can spread to your jaw and bones.
Sensitive teeth
Your teeth will feel pain or discomfort after having cold or hot foods, water or other beverages. Also referred to as “dentin hypersensitivity”, the condition can lead to gum diseases, cracked tooth, and worn-down fillings and crowns. Tooth sensitivity can also temporarily occur after having a filling or root canal.
Teeth grinding (Bruxism)
The person will grind their teeth, mostly when asleep but you can grind your teeth anytime of the day when you are stressed. You will experience toothache, jaw pain, or dull headache. Over time, the surface of your teeth will become worn, and your teeth may also appear more yellow as the white outer covering of the teeth is worn away.
Darkened tooth
Your tooth may change color when it is trying to protect the nerve, or a nerve is dying. Your tooth will look a little darker than the ones next to it. If the next tooth is also changing color and looks like a bruise, it is most likely dead. Your dentist may perform a root canal, followed by a crown. In some cases, it may become necessary to remove the teeth.
Oral cancer
If oral cancer is suspected, your dentist may decide to conduct an examination, such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan, or endoscopy, to detect if the cancer has spread to other body parts.
Get custom health insurance plan for your needs
Your tooth problem can affect your general health and overall well-being. If not treated, teeth diseases can result in heart problems, low birth weight, and premature birth. Bacteria can spread from your oral cavity to your bloodstream, causing infective endocarditis, a life-threatening infection of your heart valves. According to the American Diabetes Association, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of gum diseases (gingivitis), and infection of jaw and bones (periodontitis). Diabetes is also associated with an increased risk of thrush, a dental of oral fungal infection. Your oral health and other chronic diseases may result in significant expenses every month. If you are an employer, you would like to keep your employees healthy. You can get the best health insurance plan customized for you by PrudentRx program where you will get the best options to get the best value from CVS copay optimization. More details about medications and other benefits can be viewed at PrudentRx drug list, and PrudentRx FAQs.