Our liver, which is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, carries out more than 500 different tasks every day. Its function mostly entails processing everything you eat and drink throughout the day, from creating bile juice for food digestion to eliminating toxins from the blood. In addition, the liver actively participates in the body’s metabolic and synthesis processes. Maintaining your liver’s health is your top priority because it is such a crucial organ for human health and any problems with the liver’s operation might affect how the body as a whole functions. Your lifestyle behaviors are the most frequent issue that can have an impact on your liver’s wellness. Therefore, you must modify your lifestyle if you want to keep your liver healthy. Here are some suggestions for improving liver health.
- Moderate alcohol consumption
The liver breaks down alcohol. If you consume more alcohol than your body can handle, liver problems may result. Over time, this may result in liver disease and cirrhosis (scarring). While not drinking at all is the best method to prevent the negative effects of alcohol, if you must drink, do so in moderation. For men, this means a daily limit of two drinks, and for women, a daily limit of one drink.
- Regular exercise
Exercise can help you lose liver fat in addition to assisting you in maintaining a healthy weight. Adults are also recommended to aim for 150 minutes (about 2 and a half hours) or more of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
- Avoid being exposed to poisons
Toxins found in aerosols, household cleaners, pesticides, and other chemicals can harm liver cells. When applying insecticides, fungicides, or paint indoors, make sure the area is well-ventilated and wear a mask.
- Use vitamins and drugs responsibly
Numerous prescription pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements contain substances that might harm the liver, especially when taken in large doses or when taken with additional medications. Be sure to carefully follow all instructions and only take drugs as directed when taking them. Any over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, or herbal therapies you use should be discussed with your doctor.
- Eat well and keep your weight at a healthy level
Fatty liver disease, a type of liver disease whose prevalence is rapidly rising worldwide, is made more likely by obesity. You may preserve your liver and enhance your general health by maintaining a healthy weight, eating wholesome foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and avoiding foods high in saturated fats, red meat, and added sweets.
- Maintain a healthy level of cholesterol
All the cholesterol your body requires is produced by your liver, but we also take in cholesterol through our food. Fatty liver disease is more likely when there is too much cholesterol in the body. Less than 200 mg/dL of total cholesterol is considered healthy.
- Sex should be safe
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections, which can harm the liver, are more likely to be contracted if you engage in sexual activity without using a condom and with several partners.
- Avoid smoking
The liver is harmed by the poisons and compounds included in cigarettes. Ask your doctor for advice on effective methods to help you stop smoking if you need assistance.
We hope this information was useful.