Collagen is naturally produced by our body from the proteins and nutrients rich food that we eat. Collagen is divided into different types and responsible for its own job. For example, Type 1 collagen works well in making your skin smooth and supple whereas type 2 helps the cushion joints. This is a reason the demand for collagen supplements is continuously increasing in the market. There are different food options also available that you can include in your diet to increase your collagen intake and get its numerous benefits. In this post, we are sharing the key benefits of collagen for your overall health.
• Improve your skin health
It is highly beneficial in strengthening your skin by improving its elasticity and hydration. When you ages, your body will produce less collagen that leads to dry skin problem and result in wrinkle formation. In many studies, it has been shown that collagen proves beneficial in results in slow down skin aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness. The collagen supplements for the skin have a great ability to stimulate your body to produce collagen.
• Good for joint health
When you get older, your joints become weak and lead to joint pain. Collage help in maintaining the integrity of cartilage which is responsible for protecting your joints. As the amount of collagen decreases in the body it increases the risk of developing degenerative joint disorders like osteoarthritis. According to the studies, collagen supplements are beneficial in preventing and restoring the cartilage wear present in the joints. Also, it supports improving the symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduces joint pain issues. As per the theory, collage supplements accumulate in the cartilage and stimulate tissues for producing collagen. It will reduce inflammation as well as support in lessening the joint pain.
• Boost bone strength
Our bones are made of collagen that gives them structure and helps to make strong and healthy. With the age, our bones become fragile and take a long time to heal. For example, osteoporosis is a condition that causes due to low bone density. In the studies, it has been found the consuming collagen in your diet help to make your bone stronger as well as slow down the aging process.
• Improve hair growth and strengthening nails
After a certain age, men suffer from hair loss problems whereas women experience hair thinning. People use expensive products like shampoos with caffeine and hair oils to promote hair growth. But, it is recommended to use collage if you are suffering from hair loss. It can support healthy hair growth and ensure stronger nails.
• Promotes heart health
According to the researcher’s theory, collagen supplements may help in reducing the risk of heart issues. It provides structure to your arteries which are responsible to carry blood from the heart to the rest of your body. In absence of enough collagen, your arteries become weak. It may cause atherosclerosis which increases the chances of heart attack and stroke.
Natural Sources of Collagen
You can include a natural source of collagen in your diet to reap its maximum benefits. You should eat a healthy diet of foods enriched with nutrients and amino acids.
Food that helps to produce collagen in the body:-
• High protein-rich foods like fish, meat, dairy, eggs, soy, and more
• Food with good sources of zinc like whole grains, nuts, shellfish, and legumes
• Vitamin C-rich food such as tomatoes, berries, citrus fruits, bell peppers, etc.
• Sulfur-containing foods like onions, broccoli, and garlic
There are many collagen-rich creams and injections available in the market that offers effective results. But, collagen injection can leave prompt allergic reactions also.
Collagen is linked with various health benefits and is known for few risks. It is good to add collagen enriched food to your diet to reduce wrinkles and dryness as well as to reap its other benefits. If you are planning to take collagen supplements and injections then first consult the doctor.