Hypothyroidism is characterized by an inadequate production of thyroid hormones by the organism. Thyroid hormones aid in regulating growth, cell repair, and metabolism. As a result, hypothyroidism can cause fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, feeling cold, and depression, among other symptoms.
Hypothyroidism affects 1–2% of the global population and is ten times more common in women than men. Hypothyroidism cannot be cured just by diet. A combination of the appropriate nutrition and medication, on the other hand, can assist restore thyroid function and alleviating your symptoms.
What to eat and what to avoid when you have hypothyroidism is covered in this article.
- Foods containing soy, such as edamame, tofu, and miso
There has long been worry about the potentially harmful effects of isoflavones found in soy on the thyroid. Some studies feel that overeating Soy increases the risk of hypothyroidism. Soy has no impact on thyroid hormones and slightly elevates thyroid-stimulating hormone levels.
Soy may interfere with your capacity to absorb thyroid medication. Hence there are no specific dietary restrictions. So, it’s best to wait at least four hours after consuming anything containing soy before taking your usual dosage. Consult your doctor to determine what is best for you.
- Iodine
Iodine is a mineral ingredient found primarily on seafood that our systems require to make thyroid hormones. Iodine is not produced naturally by our bodies. The most prevalent cause of goiters, a thyroid condition, is iodine insufficiency. If your iodine levels are low, restore them as soon as possible by dietary adjustments or iodine supplements.
Iodine appears to be crucial in treating and possibly preventing autoimmune illnesses such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is vital to note that too much iodine can be harmful and increase antibodies to the thyroid gland. It is preferable not to exceed the daily recommended dosage of 150 mcg.
- Junk food
Fatty foods like butter, meat, and fried foods have been reported to interfere with the body’s ability to absorb thyroid hormone replacement medications. Fats may also impair the thyroid’s ability to generate hormones. If you’re trying to watch your fat intake, some experts recommend cutting out fried foods and high-fat condiments like mayonnaise, margarine, and fatty meats.
- Gluten is a protein found in bread and pasta
Those suffering from hypothyroidism may want to limit their gluten intake, a protein present in meals made from wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. Furthermore, if you have celiac disease, gluten might irritate the small intestine and interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement medicine.
A typical symptom of hypothyroidism is bowel irregularity; if you must eat gluten, choose whole-grain bread and pasta. They are high in fiber and other nutrients and can help ease this. Also, to avoid interfering with the absorption of your synthetic thyroid hormone, take your hypothyroidism medication several hours before or after consuming high-fiber foods.
- Probiotics
Probiotics are beneficial microbes. Antibiotics can wipe out healthy and harmful bacteria in your gut, resulting in a leaky gut. It is critical to replenish these beneficial bacteria with probiotics and restore your gut health. Probiotics can reverse leaky gut by boosting the tight junction proteins that operate as a barrier between your stomach and your bloodstream.