Pancreas is a gland which is found behind your stomach and in front of your spine. Pancreatic gland produces a juice that helps in breaking down the food that you eat, and also controls your blood sugar level. Pancreas does this by making insulin. If your pancreas malfunctions, you may experience some symptoms such as stomach swelling and pain, excess gas, nausea or vomiting, weight loss, and foul-smelling stool.
Your pancreas may get infected by various diseases that can hamper its normal functioning. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. There are several types of pancreatitis, like acute pancreatitis that comes suddenly. You can experience severe pain in the upper abdomen for a few days, accompanied by bloating, fever and diarrhea. The condition can develop due to infection, trauma, and long-term alcohol consumption.
Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive illness of the pancreas. As the disease progresses, it causes irreversible damage to your pancreas. This can lead to diabetes. The causes of chronic pancreatitis include excessive alcohol use, and hereditary disorders of the pancreas. Hereditary pancreatitis is caused due to genetic mutations. It’s a progressive disease, and can be treated with pain management. Excessive use of alcohol can result in the blockage of the pancreatic duct, and stones may develop in it. This condition is known as alcohol-related pancreatitis. Pancreatic cancer occurs when pancreatic cells become cancerous.
Pancreatic diseases and their symptoms
Exotic pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) happens due to a deficiency in pancreatic enzymes, and you may eventually become malnourished. Sings of EPI include pale-colored stool and difficulty in flushing. There may be oily leakage from your anus. Other symptoms include abdominal bloating, fecal incontinence, and weight loss. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that affects the lungs and digestive tract, including your pancreas. Symptoms include coughing, respiratory infections, foul stool, and gas. Treatments of cystic fibrosis can be done with PERT, medications to address respiratory issues, and dietary management. Pancreas divisum is a birth defect where the normal drainage of pancreatic juices is altered, resulting in elevated duct pressure in your pancreas.
Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases
Diagnosis is made using different radiographic imaging techniques. For acute pancreatitis, blood test may be conducted to measure the levels of amylase and lipase enzymes produced by the pancreas. High levels of these enzymes indicate acute pancreatitis. Ultrasound or CT scan provides images of your pancreas, gall bladder, and bile duct that help your doctor to find abnormalities.
Complications of pancreatic diseases
Diabetes is a common complication of pancreatic diseases which has affected millions of individuals all over the world. It occurs when sugars build up in the blood due to your pancreas not producing enough insulin to control sugar, resulting in high sugar levels in the body and low energy levels. Cholangitis is another disease of the pancreas in which your bile ducts are inflamed, and stones from the gallbladder become lodged there. This obstructs the smooth flow of bile from the liver to your intestine, which results in digestion issues. Gallstones & bile duct stones are created in the gallbladder and become lodged.
Seeking medical help Seek medical advice if you have an acute onset or persistent pain in your stomach. You must approach your doctor immediately if your stomach pain becomes severe enough that makes it hard for you to sit comfortably. The doctor may perform an endoscopic procedure to remove gallstone, or other blockages from your pancreas. If surgery is recommended, the surgeon can perform a laparoscopic procedure that involves smaller cuts and takes less time to heal.