According to dermatologists, dandruff is a recurring condition that will probably return back. The key reasons for causing dandruff include the natural occurrence of microbe, scalp oil, and scalp sensitivity to a microbe. Dandruff is a common problem that makes your skin scalp flaking and itching. It is not contagious or serious but can make you feel embarrassing. People try to get rid of dandruff by using dandruff shampoo or brushing their hair. When you brush your hair from the scalp down it takes away the oil from the scalp where dandruff buildup. On the other hand, dandruff shampoos contain active ingredients that help in reducing dandruff by cleaning the scalp.
There is no permanent solution for dandruff but you can manage this condition by using different home remedies, lifestyle changes, and getting expert recommendations and medical assistance in serious cases.
Remedies to get rid of dandruff
Here we are sharing some remedies that can help you to get rid of dandruff problem
- Right method of hair wash
Yes, you need to understand the right way to wash your hair. Many people don’t realize that they are washing their hair in the wrong way. First, make sure that you use the right water temperature for hair wash otherwise it will damage your scalp and hair strip. You should use either Luke warm or cold water for your hair. The wrong habit of hair can lead to adverse effects on the hair. It is advised to wash your hair at least three times a week with dandruff shampoo that keeps your scalp clean and maintains good scalp and hair hygiene.
- Overuse of styling products
Over-styling of your hair is also responsible for hair damage. The heat styling equipment can damage your hair and make them rough. It is good to reduce the use of such products to maintain better hair health. Also, you should avoid using hair products like gels and hairsprays that can irritate your hair scalp.
- Treat your scalp
When you use anti-dandruff shampoo, you should make sure that you treat your scalp gently. If you rub your scalp hard then it will make a dry and itchy sensation. Gently massage your scalp with an anti-dandruff shampoo and clean it to get the best results.
- Probiotics
The strong immune system plays a defense guard for the body. A weaker immune system makes your body prone to infection and allergies and results in producing dandruff. A good amount of probiotic consumption is beneficial for enhancing the immune system and reducing the chances of dandruff and helping to get rid of it.
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera also contains a number of properties that nourish and moisturize your dry scalp. The anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera will help in reducing skin irritation and keep your scalp moisturized that keeping dandruff away. Before shampooing your locks you should apply aloe Vera on your dry scalp and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes.
You can do some simple remedies to get rid of dandruff and choose the hair products that help in eliminating the dandruff issues. If you are suffering from dry scalp and dandruff and don’t find any solution then contact the dermatologist to diagnose the key cause and get the right treatment.